Modular Interlocking Coke Oven WALL Technology
Today’s coke battery repairs must endure long life, meet environmental expectations, and minimize impact on normal operations. The patented MICOWALL® technology now provides a solution to online hot coke oven wall rebuilds.
The development of MICOWALL® coke oven construction, using less than 10% of conventional shapes, has enabled rapid push to charge down times without compromise to battery wall quality, structural integrity, safety, or thermal performance.
The MICOWALL® coke oven is fully compatible with all coke oven designs, either horizontal or twin flue. Because of the fewer shapes and unique patented design, shapes suit both the pusher side and coke side, significantly reducing inventory and installation
MICOWALL® is most suited for fused silica refractory in either pressed or cast shapes. Because of the zero expansion characteristics, flue alignment in expanded battery walls is no longer a problem. Complex expansion calculations of conventional silica repairs are eliminated and flue ports and burner risers always align.
Fosbel is the exclusive worldwide producer and installer of the MICOWALL® technology and are available to provide engineering design, supply, and installation of this unique new coke oven repair technology.


After Construction